Hello, Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday. Heart disease is the number one killer in Americans. However, …
VIDEO: Lower cholesterol with diet
Wondering how to lower cholesterol levels with diet? On this brief video below, I share some simple tips. Focus on …
7 foods to add to your diet for a healthy heart
While the death rate from heart disease has dropped in recent years, it is still the leading cause of death in the …
February is American heart month: a nutrition cheat sheet
In honor of American heart health month, which is held in the month of February, below are nutrition guidelines and tips …
February is American heart month: a nutrition cheat sheetRead More
VIDEO: Smart food swaps for a healthy heart
I am a huge fan of making smart food swaps. Rather than dwell on what foods to cut out of your diet, how about instead, …
Video: Eating tips for a healthy heart
Dear friends, This week, I'm sharing a brief 3 minute video on eating for a healthy heart. I share 5 simple eating …
Enjoy these 8 foods for a healthy heart
February is American Heart Month. American Heart Month is a great way to remind Americans to focus on keeping their …
5 tips for a healthy heart
February is American Heart Month. I love being a nutritionist especially this month because creating a healthy diet and …
Eat your heart out with these healthy tips.
Below is my latest blog post for Huffington Post, Eat your heart out with these 11 healthy tips. You can also read it …
Berry bites: Exploring the health benefits of berries
Eating a diet high in fruits and vegetables has been correlated with a reduced risk of various chronic diseases. And for …
Berry bites: Exploring the health benefits of berriesRead More
Lessons from the Mediterranean diet: 10 foods to eat
Below is my latest blog post for Huffington Post: " What we can learn from the Mediterranean Diet: 10 healthy foods to …
Lessons from the Mediterranean diet: 10 foods to eatRead More
10 Foods to Eat for Heart Health
Below is my latest blog post on heart healthy foods for Huffington Post. You can also read it here. Heart disease …