Hello The new year is a time many of us set goals and resolutions with regards to our health and our weight. It is also …
Pump up the volume
Hello, Want to eat more and lose weight? Yes, it's possible. For many people, embracing a volume-based approach to …
Happy Labor Day! Holiday special
Hi friends, Hope you are having a wonderful Labor Day weekend. This weekend is officially the start of the …
4 ways to dine out and still lose weight
Dining out is a great way to socialize with friends and family while also taking a break from cooking. Many restaurant …
Recipe of the week: peanut butter banola!
For a fun and tasty dessert or snack, try my peanut butter “banola:” --a frozen banana topped with peanut butter and …
11 Healthy Food Swaps to Lose Weight
To lose weight, you should eat fewer calories than you burn. Yet many people mistakenly think that they need deprive …
Eat mindfully for better health
Now more than ever, the benefits of practicing mindfulness are addressed quite often. Being mindful or focusing your …
Does reducing the size of your entrée lead you to eat a bigger dessert?
Have you ever wondered if reducing the size of your entrée will lead you to eat a bigger dessert? Well, researchers put …
Does reducing the size of your entrée lead you to eat a bigger dessert?Read More
5 nutrition myths debunked
As a nutritionist, I am often asked about conflicting diet advice in the media. Therefore, I recently contributed an …
Write it before you bite it
I was recently interviewed by the folks from the newsletter Bottom Line Health on the importance of keeping food …
7 tips to keep your weight—and waist—in check this holiday season
Below is my blog post for Huffington Post "7 tips to keep your weight--and waist--in check this holiday season" You …
7 tips to keep your weight—and waist—in check this holiday seasonRead More