I've teamed up with my pals from Smart Lifebites and contributed this post--What can superfoods do for your health? I …
Follow the “rule of 20” for a healthy 2020
Welcome to 2020! It’s a new year and a new decade. You may have been thinking about incorporating some healthy changes …
Cheers to a healthier holiday season
The holiday season is upon us and that means holiday parties, family gatherings, and lots of food. While this can be a …
Want to eat less? This trick may help.
So many of us struggle with eating too much. And being surrounded by oversized portion sizes makes it more difficult to …
These 12 tips will make your trip to the supermarket a lot healthier.
One of the best ways to practice healthy eating is to surround yourself with a variety of nutritious foods. Having spent …
These 12 tips will make your trip to the supermarket a lot healthier.Read More
My opinion piece on celery juice (!) published on NBC news: “Miracle in glass? Not so fast…”
Celery juice is the latest in a series of “miracle ingredients” — those solitary foods promoted as a health cure-all and …
Live better with Celiac Disease with these 6 tips
In honor of Celiac Disease Awareness Month, I've partnered with my pals at Smart LifeBites and contributed this blog …
My podcast with Bottom Line on America’s food portion problem and the strategies to overcome it
I joined my pal Sarah Hiner, president of Bottom Line in this PODCAST “America’s Food-Portion Problem, How It …
Doggie-bag it: This trick can help you eat less when dining out
Last week, on April 1, the Italian restaurant chain Olive Garden announced that it will be increasing the portions of …
Doggie-bag it: This trick can help you eat less when dining outRead More
My op-ed in the NY Daily News: Regular-size yourself: Portion sizes keep growing; consumers must fight back.
Having studied increasing portion sizes and its relationship to the US obesity epidemic, I was intrigued by the recent …
How I help clients manage portion sizes
As a registered dietitian nutritionist (RDN) counseling clients trying to get healthy and shed a few pounds, a big …
5 lifestyle factors that may influence our food choices
While we know that our food choices determine how healthy our diet is, what and how much we eat is determined by other …
5 lifestyle factors that may influence our food choicesRead More