Hello, Should You Avoid Carbs? Are Carbs Fattening? Let’s Set the Record Straight! Carbohydrates, often referred to as …
Get over your fear of carbs
As a nutritionist, I see more people cutting out carbohydrates (aka ‘carbs’) in hopes of shedding a few pounds and …
Dispelling Nutrition Myths: Separating Fact From Fiction
Hello, As a nutritionist, I am regularly asked about conflicting nutrition and diet advice in the media. To make …
Dispelling Nutrition Myths: Separating Fact From FictionRead More
5 nutrition myths debunked
As a nutritionist, I am often asked about conflicting diet advice in the media. Therefore, I recently contributed an …
Lose weight with portion control: Finally Full, Finally Slim featured in the COVER STORY of the New York Post
Dear readers, I want to take this opportunity to wish you a year of health, happiness, and fulfillment in 2019 and to …