Recent Media
Dr. Young’s book and work on portion sizes is reviewed in Argentina (in Spanish). | February 2019Dr. Young shares tips for navigating KFWE 2019 and other special food events
Times of Israel | February 2019Dr. Young discusses lifestyle factors that may affect what–and how much–we eat.
CNN | February 2019Dr. Young weighs in on the keto diet. | February 2019Dr. Young discusses how to avoid weight gain while aging.
Newsday | February 2019Jane Brody discusses Finally Full, Finally Slim and portion control for lasting weight loss.
New York Times | January 2019Here’s the large feature story in the January 29, 2019 print edition.
Dr. Young is featured: “Forget dieting, just control your portions, argues a nutrition guru.”
The Jewish Week | January 2019Here’s the full-page feature story in the February 1 print edition.