Lisa R. Young, PhD, RDN
Internationally Recognized Nutritionist & Portion-Control Expert
In the news
Dr. Young is regularly called upon by the media as a well-respected source for information on nutrition, health, and wellness.
Let’s work together
Dr. Young lectures on a wide variety of nutrition and health topics, including portion control, heart health, wellness, and current issues and controversies in the nutrition field.
Lisa R. Young, PhD, RDN, CDN is an internationally recognized nutritionist in private practice and offers counseling to adults and children.
Dr. Young is a consultant and serves as a nutrition advisor, health educator, and media spokesperson.
Dr. Young has conducted thousands of media interviews globally and provides a highly credible, no-nonsense, research-based approach.
uncover the path to permanent weight loss in 30 days
Check out Dr. Young’s life-changing program to losing weight permanently by right-sizing your portions without eliminating entire food groups or staring at an empty plate. Learn how to develop a healthy mind-set, a smart food environment, better habits, and ultimately, a healthier—and more fulfilling–life.
“An eminently sensible approach to weight loss… It works. I know, because more than half a century ago I lost 40 pounds following Dr. Young’s approach, and I’ve kept the weight off without dieting or deprivation.”
―Jane Brody, New York Times
“As our obesity epidemic continues, Finally Full, Finally Slim provides smart, health literate, critical guidance to put you on a path to optimal health and weight control. A good read for all families and health providers.”
—Richard Carmona, MD, MPH, FACS, 17th Surgeon General of the United States, distinguished professor, University of Arizona.
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